Just Plodding Along

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Been a week already. I've been in hospital with daughter three days last week due to hypoglycaemia and gastroenteritis. Just finished respite care from hubby's sister, and it was a good break away. Watched a few videos and slept both mornings, just what hubby and I needed. In knitting news, I have separated for the raglan shaping of the sleeves and am halfway up to the neck on one side, it's going a whole lot faster now that I'm knitting backwards and forwards. Hopefully have a quieter week so I can actually knit some. Couldn't knit in hospital as daughter was very cuddly and when she wasn't cuddling me or sleeping she was having glucose tests followed by me and the nurse trying to get her to eat or drink something. Poor girl, but she's better now. Made it to church this morning too, haven't been for quite a while. Saw our neighbours go there too, they've got a wee baby and were probably in the small room at the back of the church where there is a live feed of the service on a television. Our kids enjoyed that room when we took them, lots of toys for them to play with in there.


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