Another Sunny Day
Finished the front half of the cardi I've been knitting.

Now I have cast on for the back and have cast on 121 sts, hope it looks ok.
Even though I was keeping an eye on the house down the street it was gone this morning by 7:30 and I didn't hear it go in the night. This was what it looked like before we went to bed last night (yes I know this photo is taken in the daytime, but it hadn't moved when we turned in)...
Yesterday I also took photos of Son's artwork in the school foyer. He worked really hard at this piece. I really like it, and feel good that his was chosen to be displayed near the office where heaps of people can see it.

After I dropped the kids off at school this morning - we walked - I went with Hubby to hospital in an ambulance, where they tried to figure out why he's been so ill the last few days. It's possibly Colitis. Lotsa fun.
Finished the front half of the cardi I've been knitting.

Now I have cast on for the back and have cast on 121 sts, hope it looks ok.
Even though I was keeping an eye on the house down the street it was gone this morning by 7:30 and I didn't hear it go in the night. This was what it looked like before we went to bed last night (yes I know this photo is taken in the daytime, but it hadn't moved when we turned in)...

Yesterday I also took photos of Son's artwork in the school foyer. He worked really hard at this piece. I really like it, and feel good that his was chosen to be displayed near the office where heaps of people can see it.

After I dropped the kids off at school this morning - we walked - I went with Hubby to hospital in an ambulance, where they tried to figure out why he's been so ill the last few days. It's possibly Colitis. Lotsa fun.
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