Photos I Took This Morning
In no particular order, here is where Billy the cat was when I got home from dropping the kids off at school. Hubby said he was on the bed, but hopped down for some reason.

Billy is giving me lots of smooches this morning.

This is who I sleep with, or rather what... it's the cpap machine in use, sounds a little like the sea ( that's what I tell myself when I can't sleep 'cause it's so darn noisy - and this is the quiet model too).

Daughter hung the hammock up on her drawers full of soft toys to see how it works. Not too bad for a first effort I reckon. Might try to make Son's a little wider though, and of course I need to buy some hooks!

I quite like how the neck turned out on the Aran That Daughter Will Never Wear. I hope she at least puts it on when I'm done so I can get a photo of it being worn before I give it away.

The first sleeve is done. Yay. Didn't pick up stitches like I wanted to last night, perhaps if the day doesn't improve anymore I'll do it this morning. It's dreary out there, dark and rainy. I've got the lights on in the lounge even though it's ten to ten in the morning.

Listening to Muse while I do the housework and blog, good inspirational music too. Be the best you can be, don't let yourself go etc...

They are from the left Dom, Matt and Chris.
Hot cup of soup here I come.
In no particular order, here is where Billy the cat was when I got home from dropping the kids off at school. Hubby said he was on the bed, but hopped down for some reason.

Billy is giving me lots of smooches this morning.

This is who I sleep with, or rather what... it's the cpap machine in use, sounds a little like the sea ( that's what I tell myself when I can't sleep 'cause it's so darn noisy - and this is the quiet model too).

Daughter hung the hammock up on her drawers full of soft toys to see how it works. Not too bad for a first effort I reckon. Might try to make Son's a little wider though, and of course I need to buy some hooks!

I quite like how the neck turned out on the Aran That Daughter Will Never Wear. I hope she at least puts it on when I'm done so I can get a photo of it being worn before I give it away.

The first sleeve is done. Yay. Didn't pick up stitches like I wanted to last night, perhaps if the day doesn't improve anymore I'll do it this morning. It's dreary out there, dark and rainy. I've got the lights on in the lounge even though it's ten to ten in the morning.

Listening to Muse while I do the housework and blog, good inspirational music too. Be the best you can be, don't let yourself go etc...

They are from the left Dom, Matt and Chris.
Hot cup of soup here I come.
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