Just Plodding Along

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Yep, struck down in my prime with a head cold. Hopefully it'll pass soon. Feels blimmin awful though.

Poor kids are sad about Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" being killed by the stingray, it's what Hubby and I talked about ages ago. You know. The snake's gonna bite him. The crocodile's gonna eat him. Etc.. Now it's true it's really sad. What a waste of a great life. What an end.

On a happier note, kids had their teeth checked yesterday at the hospital dental clinic and Daughter is clear, Son may have some decay starting up too hard to see at the moment. Discolouring near the back of a tooth, so he'll be looked at by the school dental nurse for a while to make sure it's caught early.

I've been reading instead of knitting lately. I am trying to drag out finishing the back of the cardigan as I'm really enjoying knitting it. Took the kids to the library last night, and Daughter chose some 'all words' books. Hubby read the first chapter of one of them last night before she went to bed. One about horses. Daughter dreamt about horses she told me this morning, probably because of the book I told her. She smiled.

Spring is here with the garden starting up again. What was a brown stick a week ago now has lush green leave popping out all over it. Must set aside time to weed and sew seeds this weekend.


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