Just Plodding Along

Monday, February 19, 2007

Summer On The Bus

We seem to be on the bus a lot during our weekends recently. Of course the main reason is that Hubby has the van and isn't here with it. The other reason is that we have needed things a bit further away than the local supermarket, like shoes, schoolbags and clothing. The kids have colds at the moment, and are home today from school. I've got them tidying their rooms out.

The geranium in the bathroom is shooting out new leaves now, three at a time. I think I'll prune the longer stalk too, once it has a few new leaves lower down on it.

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Outside is looking really fertile too, pumpkins encroaching on the lawn so much I have to mow around them. Which I did last friday, and mowed a little lower to carve out a path for us to walk on.

Looking left out back door.....

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Looking right out back door.....

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Well, Son and Daughter are off to school again today, with the start of the school year. Daughter's new teacher seems a bit freaked out at the information she's read about the Brugada, so I had to reassure her somewhat. Anyway, thought I'd show the main implant scar and how it's healing. Daughter does have four smaller scars underneath her left armpit and down on her left ribs, though she's almost forgotten that they're there, and they are very faded now. Here's the situation about half an hour after closing up Daughter's wound...

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And again 11 days later at home, you can see the bulge of the ICD in her tummy....

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And yesterday, we can see the ICD always, but when she flexes and sucks her tummy in we can see the coil clearly going up her left side...

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Daughter is happy with the ICD and Son looks forward to having his one too!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Been Growing

So here's the zucchini comparison this week. Hee hee. So the last photo was this one, biggest plant is 20th of January...

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And this photo was taken today, 6th of February...

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Other stuff is growing better now that we've had hotter days. All three tomatoes are very tall, and there is a lot of fruit on each plant. Can't wait to eat the first tomato! We've been eating strawberries though, and really enjoying them.