Just Plodding Along

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Another Cheese Made

This first photo is a cheese I made a while ago, it's actually been a long time since I made some. I had a problem with bloating waxed cheeses. I assumed it was the feed given to the cows, so took a break. The second photo is of a bloated cheese. It tasted very creamy, but shouldn't have all those holes in it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nectarine about to be picked and eaten.The heirloom 'double flower' Pink Brandywine, the fruit is large and fleshy, and slightly pink.

When I first started running about 3rd Feb this year, I could only manage 20 seconds at the most of running before walking again, and my highest heart rate was 167. This morning I got up to two minutes of running before walking, and my highest heart rate was still only 167. I am impressed as a whole 2 minute block of running didn't send my heart rate soaring like I thought it would. Good news, fitness improving!

In other news, have 2 cherry toms, 2 beefsteak (1 Doctor Walters heirloom and 1 brandywine heirloom) 1 roma tom, plus a few mongrel tomato plants from seeds. There are a few pear shaped yellow acid free plants, hoping they'll produce toms! Have an eggplant plant. No fruit yet. The courgette plant has given us about 4 so far, and more on their way. 2 cucumber plants this year, 1 has a few hopeful cucs on it. 2 pepper plants, 1 with 1 fruit so far. John and I sowed Quinoa seeds back on 20th Jan, and my row of many seeds has given a few plants, John's idea of 1 seed every inch has given 1 plant. I will sow more seeds in his row. Radishes are coming along nicely, that's the second crop for the year. The carrots are heady and green, don't know what the root looks like yet. 1 pumpkin grew from the many seeds we sowed and I think it's a green yellow striped affair. The tangelo tree is a little bigger this year, and the blackberry next to it has given me a few lovely tasting berries. Leah's garden still has the "wild" white strawberries running free in it. They taste so yummy too. The berry plant Sue gave me a year ago has given a good sample of fruit this year. Enough to want more next year. Will peg it onto the fence to grow soon. The nectarine tree outside the lounge window provided us with a few days worth of fruit between the 3 of us. Probably about 20 fruits in all.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Blog In Photos...
From top; pressing cheese, interested rats, draining Monterey Jack curds, one waxed cheese compared to one cheese about to be waxed, cinnamon pinwheels.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Rats and Acorn Cookies

I made Acorn cookies, and they were delicious! Pijay the rat wanted to sample some also.

She can smell the yumminess inside these beauties!

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Saturday, May 01, 2010

Chestnuts and Cupcakes
We picked a few chestnuts off the ground in an undisclosed location about three weeks ago. They were the first to fall and so were on the small side. Nice and sweet though.

Cupcakes with butterflies and muddy worms were one treat one night. Fun to make and eat too.

Mmmm worms are good in the mud. The icing on these was too 'wet' for my liking so next time I'll use a different recipe for the icing. The dirt was crumbled biscuits, and boy they tasted good.

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