Cool Enough To ClipI clipped the bushes this afternoon, and Son helped me sow some seeds in these new garden plots. We put broad beans, two types of peas and another unknown type of green bean - we'll see what it is later. Underneath the seeds in the right hand plot are shallots waiting for the shortest day to do their thing, some of them I sneaked a peek at are already sending out root systems.

In this next photo at the back are the sprouting broccoli and brussel sprouts going for it. I planted about 14 of each, and the brussel sprouts were doubled also, so 28 of them, some of both have died off after planting, but most of what remain are nice and strong looking. I have to go out daily and squeeze the caterpillar eggs and any caterpillars that make it past egg stage. Tomorrow I hope to sow more seeds in another area out the back of the house, where I dug out heaps of potatoes a few weeks ago, the dirt looks lovely and ready for something else to grow there, I'm thinking more of the unknown green beans and maybe some garlic too. I'll have to look into the garlic growing though, not sure if it likes the partially shaded moist but well drained soil that would be its home.