This is Henry, and he is bigger and runs on a "c" battery, so for half of Sunday Son was asking for a K battery!
Plenty of time for my sweater, as it is warming up in NZ now. Going to be dry all week I think. Sportsday tomorrow at Son's school, so that will be fun to go and watch after school. Must remember the video camera in case Son wins more races. I saw him win one on Friday and he was well ahead of the others, so it would be cool to get that on tape. Of course we tell him to do his best, and he knows that is good enough even he doesn't win any races.
Trellis is coming along fine, I've kitchen stitched/kitchener stitched the fronts to the backs, and have seed stitched half of the collar.

It's not looking too bad, though a little small perhaps. If so, it will go in the baby box that Sister is building up at the moment as one of her girls is due in March and the other is trying for a baby.
Have finally seen the Taggart episode The Dead Man's Chest, that Billy Boyd was in, in 94 I think. Only the bits with Billy in though, so it doesn't make too much sense. Man he was a great actor back then too!
Still listening to James Blunt, he's on the MP3 player also for night time when I can't sleep.