Wow, what a lovely day here so far. Sun's out. Been to school and back then back to school again for a meeting. Might go out again before needing to get the kids from school so I can get a walk in the beautiful weather.
Flowers are coming out too, not like last year where my Son picked all the buds off before they bloomed, check it out...

The bulbs I missed removing last year are flowering too..

But the bulbs I replaced not long ago are stil green shoots and low to the ground. I should have put them in earlier I think. The willow tree is waking up too, after looking like a stick all winter in the pot...

Only got a few rows of knitting done yesterday, I sat down to do some when Hubby reminded me we needed to go across town for a meeting. Mmm. Oh well, good thing about knitting is that it'll be there when I go to it.